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Max. 15 people per group, Contact us for larger groups.
Vegan and Vegetarian options available
This tour starts each day at a beautiful and highly interesting Roman site, a few steps leads you onto other places to stimulate your imagination.
From there the tour wonders across the center of Rome, stopping in various places for tastes of all the best that is on offer. In between our food expert will not only be explaining some of the history of the city, but that of the food you will be eating, too. On top of that, with years of Roman experience on their shoulders, they will be answering any questions that pop up in your mind about the local culture and Italian society, together with the best suggestions for every taste!
At the end of a 2-2.5 hr tour, you are ready for a real Italian restaurants of you can still eat, we will point out a few who will welcome you and give you a good night at the table, but do enjoy the food along the way, it’s expected.
I wrote this description very carefully because your experience of food in Italy should be taken seriously. After all, when you ask someone what two words spring to mind when we say “Italy” they will answer “pizza and pasta”! and pasta”!
My love for Italy grew out of my love and admiration for its food. The word “Fresca” is quoted in almost every menu and that’s because Italians want fresh produce and are anti microwave to a large degree.
I took my time in preparing a food tour, waiting to find the right Italian person to lead it and I spent years thinking about how I would detail that tour. But then I asked why I should start a food tour – I certainly am not motivated by money and being asked constantly by my guests if we do a food tour didn’t bother me a bit. I started this on my own time and am doing it my way.
I found locals from the Roman Jewish Ghetto, and central Rome with years of experience in tasting and preparing the best food the city has to offer. I’m Sean from Dublin and if there is one thing a Dublin man loves about Italy it’s the food and the sun and the ice cream, the coffee, cheese, meat specialties, tomatoes, ice cream, pasta, pesto, ice cream, limoncello, ice cream ice cream and did I mention ice cream?
Really though to get back to what we want you to get out of this is an initial appreciation for Italian food, not just loving its taste but knowing it, understanding it and as you move on into your lives we want to instill a knowledge that will add flavor to your tables and in turn to your lives as a whole.
I’m not really going to tell you publicly here online what we will reveal to you because in my experience I have had my ideas badly duplicated by people who suffer from imagination starvation. Our locals have ideas and contacts in the local community which I feel should be revealed only to those of you to take a chance and join us without knowing exactly what to expect. That’s your reward. I can tell you that we will get you tasting Italian foods, gelato, and wines but everyone does that. What we other is insider knowledge, better locations and the rest is our surprise, Angel Tours has a strong long term reputation so you can be sure it’s a memorable food tour with us Angels.
Kid and family friendly day trips for cruise ship solutions Experience Counts, depend on us I understand from my experience that you, your friends and family needs to get quality time in the very short time that the cruise ship […]
Don’t make the mistake – this is every bit as good as Pompei, max. 15 people per group
If you are claustrophobic the walk to the underground levels might be a challenge for you, but well worth the try.
Tour company in all of the most beautiful places in Europe! We offer small group tours in Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples, Pisa, Pompei, Dublin, Galway, Istanbul, Barcelona, Paris and London. 980 five star reviews on TripAdvisor, and growing!
Italy: 348 734 1850
International (except USA): +39 348 734 1850
USA: (011) +39 348 734 1850
Skype: angeltours
Whatsapp: 0039 348 734 1850
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